Senin, 25 April 2016

Tips and Tricks About Reading Comprehension Test TOEFL

The types of questions in reading comprehension among the topic, main idea, details, conclusions, goals, titles, references, list types, and conclusions based on the facts without the mentioned authors.

 Here are a few tips and tricks : 

1. Often-Frequently Read Articles English 

Get used to read in English every day. Read scientific articles such as science and technology, economy, health, culture, philosophy, the environment, education, politics, psychology, literature, history, and art. The habit of reading the article to benefit manambah vocabulary. The more vocabulary you know will mempermudahmu solving reading comprehension. 

2. Often Practicing Problem 

Often practice doing makes you more confident about Playing the TOEFL test. You can buy the book to get the TOEFL preparation problems reading. In addition, many internet sites that provide reading comprehension exercises 

3. Always Bring English Dictionary

Wherever you go, always carry English Dictionary. When you come across a difficult word in the news on line or the other, you can quickly search for meaning. These habits will give you a lot of knowledge of new vocabulary. To be practical to install dictionary english on android. The vocabulary in the dictionary is quite complete.

4. Do not Read Text from the Start to the End

When you face the test of TOEFL reading comprehension, do not read the text from beginning to end. It will only waste your time. The number of questions and time available for doing so are not comparable. 

5. Because preemptively read

If you read because first, you will be more focused search for the part where you want when you read the text on it. This will save you time. In contrast, if you read the text first, after reading because you have to re-read the text above. Just as you two times the work to read the text. 

6. Do Glued on Words or Phrases You Go 

Some people do feel exasperated with words or phrases that are not in the know. For some time to think hard finding the right answer. Choose the answer that roughly fit. When you were working on a matter of just 45 seconds. Therefore, you should hasten to do it.

7. Answers All Questions 

No reduction in value if you're wrong answer in the TOEFL test. Therefore answer all the questions even if you have not had time to read the problem. Fill in the form do you say with all the answers and example. If you're lucky, you get extra score. This also applies to the structure and listening comprehension and written expression. The most important thing in doing the TOEFL test is not to panic. Remain calm and think clearly. The focus of the answer sheet and ignore the others.

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