Senin, 14 Maret 2016

Describe About Toefl Preparation


Untuk Memenuhi Salah Satu Tugas 
Mata Kuliah ( Softskill )  Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2#

Nama : Dudu Abdusalam
Npm   : 22112265
Kelas  : 4KB01


Creating a TOEFL Study Plan 
There are a few different ways to study for the test. First, we recommend the following: 1. First, take a full-length practice test to identify areas that are most difficult for you. You may need to study some portions of the test more than others. Plan to take at least one practice test every 1-2 weeks to familiarize yourself with the test format. 2. When taking practice tests, pretend it is a real test. Go to a room with no distractions and if taking a paper-based version of the test, set a timer to follow the exact time allotment of the actual test. 3. We also recommend purchasing your own, up-to-date test prep book (check the publication date!). ETS has many book recommendations, as does Amazon. Although there are a lot of online resources, it’s helpful to have a book that you can write in and highlight. 4. Take at least one “rest day” to read fun things in English that aren’t study materials. Read news articles, watch a movie in English, or try reading a short story or poem (Here’s a local literary magazine with fiction stories and poems.
Plan 1: Devote each week to a different portion of the test.
Example: Week
1: Speaking Week
2: Listening Week
3: Writing Week
4: Vocabulary (it actually helps to study a little vocabulary each week, since you likely won’t remember words if you memorize them quickly and in large quantities).
Plan 2: Combine questions from each section for a daily study plan.
Here’s one way you could structure a daily study plan that addresses each section of the test.
 Daily Plan: Study 1-2 new vocabulary words a day from a TOEFL list (10 per week).
Don’t just memorize the definitions; practice using them in actual sentences! Most dictionaries have examples of sentences. 
Study one listening and one speaking question, and outline or write one practice essay.
Take time to review the essay for grammatical issues. If you’ve forgotten a grammar rule, pick up a grammar textbook or go online and do a few practice grammar exercises. 
General Testing Vocabulary
This page includes vocabulary that is good to study for any standardized test, as well as example sentences that might be used on a test.
General Testing Speaking Practice 
For this section, you will need headphones and/or a quiet space and an internet connection. Most of these practice questions use 3-minute TED talks and Upworthy videos. Note that there are a variety of accents: non-native, American, and British.
General Writing Practice 
Look at a chart or graph and summarize information from the chart by selecting important features and comparing/contrasting them.    
Read a statement about a specific topic and provide your opinion on the topic. Provide relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

TOEFL Overview
The TOEFL ibt   (internet-based test) is the most common test form used, although some countries still use the pbt (paper-based test).  The test has a reading, speaking, listening, and writing section. Reading: 60-80 Minutes (36-56 questions) Listening: 60-90 minutes (34-51 questions) Break (10 minutes) Speaking: 20 minutes (6 tasks) Writing: 50 minutes (2 tasks) 

ü        Speaking Tips
For the speaking portion, you have 60 seconds to prepare and respond to a question.  Do not use words that you do not know how to pronounce or properly use in a sentence.  You lose points for incorrect pronunciation or wrong usage of idioms and vocabulary words.   Note that some questions will require you to read a passage, and some will require you to read a passage and then listen to two people discussing the topic.   To practice, set a timer and try answering some basic questions first.  
Basic structure:
1. State your main opinion or argument
2. Provide 2-3 examples (use details to support your answer)
3. Brief concluding statement

ü        TOEFL Writing: Integrated Tasks and Independent Tasks 
Integrated tasks ask you to summarize and compare/contrast information. Learn paraphrasing skills to master these questions. You will have three minutes to read an academic text. Then you will listen to a lecture on the same topic. Take notes while you listen. 
Independent tasks ask you to form your own opinions and evidence in response to a single question.
General Tips:
1.      For note-taking, it’s okay to abbreviate words so that you can write faster. Focus on keywords, not whole sentences.
2.      It’s better to use intermediate vocabulary and grammar well than advanced language poorly.  
3.      Have a plan for how you will spend your 20 minutes writing. 
Sample TOEFL Writing Questions: 
Integrated Task questions can be found at the links listed at the end of the packet, as well as the links below. There are not that many reliable test questions online, so it’s best to go directly to for practice integrated tasks or Youtube.

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